Sunday 29 April 2012

Your Name: School Day Afternoon

Marcus Millsap: School Day Afternoon

Dave Etter

I climb the steps of the yellow school bus,
move to a seat in back, and we're off,
bouncing along the bumpy blacktop.
What am I going to do when I get home?
I'm going to make myself a sugar sandwich
and go outdoors and look at the birds
and the gigantic blue silo
they put up across the road at Motts'.
This weekend we're going to the farm show.
I like roosters and pigs, but farming's no fun.
When I get old enough to do something big,
I'd like to grow orange trees in a greenhouse.
Or maybe I'll drive a school bus
and yell at the kids when I feel mad:
"Shut up back there, you hear me?"
At last, my house, and I grab my science book
and hurry down the steps into the sun.
There's Mr. Mott, staring at his tractor.
He's wearing his DeKalb cap
with the crazy winged ear of corn on it.
He wouldn't wave over here to me
if I was handing out hundred dollar bills.
I'll put brown sugar on my bread this time,
then go lie around by the water pump,
where the grass is very green and soft,
soft as the body of a red-winged blackbird.
Imagine, a blue silo to stare at,
and Mother not coming home till dark!

How does this School Day Afternoon differ from yours? Follow the pattern of this poem and write your own version. Post a picture along with your poem.


  1. Lindsay: A school Day Afternoon

    I climb the stairs to get on the bus,
    I take my seat one back from the front,
    I hope we’ll get home without a fuss,
    I think of homework and home,
    And playing with my bird,
    In her little cage dome,
    I think of these things and want to do some,
    I’m so flustered
    As I dread of the long ride to come,
    The bus starts with a roar,
    I yawn and think,
    This ride is going to be such a bore,
    But then as usual the bus is so lively,
    People talking so much,
    And then comes on Riley,
    We drive and we drive and then all of a sudden,
    We are at my stop,
    I run over to my mom’s car and she yells “HURRY DINNER’S IN THE OVEN!”
    by Lindsay

  2. i couldn't figure out how to put on a picture.
    by Lindsay
